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Tuesday, January 3, 2012


It's amazing how a single day can stress you out. As of today I have to:

  • Finish the preview of a website for a customer in the hopes that they'll like it and hire me to actually finish it and pay me for it.

  • Finish a brochure for work. I have this most of the way done except for the embellishments to make it look "pretty" but I'm not 100% sure on how to do that. I have designer's block. 

  • Put magnets on all of my save the dates so I can send those out since those probably should have gone out before Christmas.

  • Get the rest of the addresses of my parent's friends so I can make all of my labels so I can send out my save the dates.

(I can't really send out my save the dates until we find out what the address of our new house is so that we can put the correct return address on them. This is stressing me out beyond believe for some reason. I feel like I need to already tell the post office I'm changing my address so that I don't miss anything important that gets sent to the apartment accidentally.)

  • Pack our entire apartment in anywhere from 2.5 weeks to the end of the month. Not knowing the exact date we get to move into our house is really annoying. Also not having boxes to pack the apartment with doesn't help either. We also don't have a truck. Looks like we're walking all of our stuff to our new house...

  • I have to get all of this done while stressing about paying my stupid student loans off. I'm already behind on one because I didn't get any Christmas money like I expected. I don't know how I'm going to come up with over $350 for this month when my paycheck was only $26...

  • Oh, and I'm planning a wedding that's in 8 months, but who's counting? 

To sum this all up...

I'm stressed

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