In case you couldn't tell, this will probably be a TMI post for most males, possibly most females, and honestly, I don't care. If you don't want to know, you don't have to read.
When AF comes a knockin' I become one heap of emotions. From one day to the next, little things will piss me off or make me cry. I never seem to make it to that happy place. Take today for example: I'm not particularly thrilled that I have to be at work for 12 hours, the last three of which are filled with screaming (I don't know WHY they're screaming, but screaming nonetheless,) teenagers. I'd much rather they be quiet and leave early so I could get home to Keegan who I haven't seen since about 5:30 Monday morning.
A picture of a bunny almost made me cry today. Yes, you read that right, a bunny. In my defense, it was a baby bunny that was covering its eyes and it looked very sad......who am I kidding? I sound crazy. I promise I'm not, AF just has this amazing way of messing with my head. She also makes me think that around her visit is a good time to check up on old boyfriends to see what they're doing with their lives (just to make sure they're doing ok and still alive right?) and to torment myself with old high school friends and pictures of their happiness. That used to involve engagements, weddings, and babies, but now it just involves weddings that I could never pay for and babies I can't have yet. I guess I'm just a masochist when AF comes to visit.
If I didn't want aforementioned babies running around at some point in the next 10 years or so, I'd ask the doctor to just spay me now so I wouldn't have to deal with AF's monthly visit. She's really a debbie downer and not a welcome house guest, but I suppose I'll have to deal with her wonderful (do you sense my dripping sarcasm yet?) visits for a few more years.
Edit: I just saw a picture of a soldier seeing his baby girl for the first time and I did tear work. AF needs to leave. now. Before I start bawling the next time I see a puppy or something ridiculous like that.
Edit #2: On the drive home, the radio was playing nothing that I liked, so I plugged in my Ipod. However, it wouldn't play anything that I wanted to hear either. I kept skipping song after song, and finally, my Ipod black screened, (I assumed this is like a blue screen of death for a computer so I freaked out for a bit, probably not the safest while driving.) After
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