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Friday, July 27, 2012

Child Workout Video

*I'm going to start this post off with a disclaimer that I am in no way or form a doctor and I do not have children.*

Today, while browsing through Pintrest, I found this video:
The video was accompanied by a comment from a Pinner that said,
"My daughter LOVES Power Girl Fitness. She spends HOURS working out with this Marketing Powerhouse--9 year old!" 

I watched the entire video and it honestly made me a little uncomfortable. It was strange to see a young girl with two of her "friends" bouncing around in booty shorts and bras doing workout moves that seem to me should be reserved for adults.

I thought it was strange that this girl, Jessy, was sprouting off comments about getting "strong and lean" and "being in the best shape of your life." The audience she's talking to are young girls. They haven't lived much of life! They are growing still and their current body is whatever shape and size it needs to be to allow them to continue growing.

I then went onto the website and instantly saw this comment:
"Dear Jessy, I would like to thank you for teaching me how to exercise! I have always eaten healty, ate in moderation, and stayed away from sodas and candy, but I never felt as healthy or as strong as I have since your workouts! I started your workouts when I began exercising, and over time they became easier and easier for me to do, and I knew my muscles were becoming stronger! Now I am applying this to sports such as running, which I now enjoy to do! Before I could barely run down the street, and did you know now I can run for thirty minutes? And this is only after a month and a half! Weight wise, I lost seven pounds and a total of 11 inches off of my body! YAYAYAYAYAAA Hahah so thank you so much!

I'm sorry, but what young girl needs to a.) know about how much she weighs, and b.) lose 7 pounds and 11 inches?

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for kids being healthy, active, and eating right. But what happened to letting them run outside after dinner with the neighborhood kids? What about Little League and other organized sports that allow them to socialize while staying healthy?

When I was young, my mom put us in sports that we enjoyed. We did swim team in the summer, my sister did softball in the fall, and my other sister did dance and gymnastics. Each of these sports allowed us to stay healthy while also engaging with other children and learning how to be a team and work with others. My mom also made dinner for us every night and didn't allow us to eat junk food. We were healthy kids. We were the correct weight that we were supposed to be at that age. I can't honestly remember thinking about being "fat" before the age of 15. I'm sure that if any of our weights were of concern to my parents or doctors, my mom would have nudged us into another sport or physical activity. She wouldn't, however, made us budget 20 minutes of our day to do a workout video. 

It's just so strange to me to that there are young girls out there that are in their houses for "hours" a day working out to a workout video. I find it sad that todays world, T.V., movie stars, whatever you want to blame, has made it so that young girls are already worried about their bodies this much. It worries me that Jessy states that her videos are only "20 minutes long so you don't have an excuse not to work out." I don't think young girls should be "working out." They should be engaging in physical activity to keep themselves healthy, but they don't need to worry about fitting in a workout video into their schedules.

I understand that not all kids are into competitive team sports. Believe me, I can't catch or hit a ball to save my life (breaking my finger three times is tribute to that.) However, there are other ways for kids to get healthy physical activity such as riding their bikes, swimming (not necessarily on a team,) running around with other kids, taking walks with their parents, dancing, the list goes on and on. None of these activities focus on losing weight, toning up, or "being in the best shape of your life." These activities allow kids to maintain a healthy weight while still being kids without the pressure to be skinny or look good.

I hope that if/when I have children, no matter what gender, they will be healthy. I hope that I provide them with food to fuel their bodies and are able to put them in activities that allow their bodies to grow and maintain a healthy weight that is prescribed by their doctors, not society. I know that children tease and pick on others that are different then themselves, but I hope that my children will learn to love their bodies no matter what shape and size it is. I hope that they will never feel so self conscious that they will hold themselves up in the house and do a workout video. I hope they will never worry about the number on the scale or the size of their thighs. I also hope that I can be a role model to them. Obviously, I'm not a size 2 and I never will be. Even when I swam competitively and was at practice for 5 hours a day, the smallest I got was a size 10. I hope to be that size again, but I want to do it the healthy way. I know that I will never be the smallest girl around and I'm sure my children won't either (three of their grandparents are over 6 feet tall.) I hope that one day I will learn to appreciate my body for what it is and I hope I can pass that down to my children.

When I first saw Jessy's video, I felt sad. I was sad that this young girl was already worried about the number on the scale and what size her body is. I understand that children need activity to stay healthy, I just feel like there are other, more kid friendly ways to do so that are not so numbers focused. I believe that children should be active because they're kids. They have a lot of energy to burn off and running outside with the neighborhood kids or doing a sport can help that. I personally believe that videos like this one are contributing to the problem our society has with weight loss/gain and appearance. If my future child wants to do this video because they like the exercises, then that's fine. I just wouldn't want them to do it just to lose weight or try and fit into what society thinks is beautiful.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Thursday Tidbits

I promised myself as I got closer to the wedding I wouldn't stop blogging. Obviously that's gone well....

So to catch up on my life, here are some Thursday Tidbits in list form: 

  • My birthday was on Monday. 23 on the 23rd, otherwise known as my golden birthday. It was a pretty low-key birthday. I took the day off work, worked on some wedding stuff, Keegan came home 2 hours early and surprised me with flowers and took me out to dinner. He also bought me my swallow decal that was on my birthday list. I also managed to score another pair of my shoes from a Shoe Dept. in Tuscaloosa. They were originally $99 and I got them for $35. Win. 
I lurves it. 
  • Tomorrow (Friday) is my last day of work before the wedding. I took off next Monday and Tuesday, and then we leave late Tuesday night / early Wednesday morning for Missouri. Holy crap! 
  • Somehow, instead of losing weight before the wedding, I've actually gained about 5 pounds. What happened to magically losing weight the weeks before your wedding due to stress? I haven't changed how I'm eating or not exercising, so I'm not sure where it came from. And no, I'm not pregnant. Just keepin' it real. 
  • I still don't have my wedding jewelry. Somehow, I'm not worried. 
  • However, I am scared about the drive to Missouri. I can just see it now: Me driving my newish car on a route I've never driven myself, Keegan driving his '71 Corvette, both of us in the dark. We're going to break down in the middle of Arkansas with no cell reception. I just know it. 
  • Still excited about my rehearsal dress. Getting more excited about my wedding dress. 
  • We've had a few last minute RSVPs (and a few people who still haven't RSVP'd.) I found out on Wednesday that my uncle on my dad's side is coming with one of my cousins. That brings my family count (not including my immediate family) up to ....6 I think. Out of 112. Oy vey. 
  • I'm ridiculously excited about our honeymoon. 5 nights in a cabin with a hot tub and heart jacuzzi tub? Yes please! I'm just not so excited about the drive from Missouri to Mississippi and then to Tennessee. It'll be a long couple of days. There's no way to celebrate being newlyweds like driving for 2 days, right? 
  • Sunday night, around midnight, we heard dogs fighting outside of our bedroom window. I wanted to go outside and break them up, but Keegan reassured me that they'd be ok. I told him I better not wake up to a dead dog on our lawn on my birthday. Guess what I woke up to.....
  • One of Keegan's interns turned 21 on Tuesday the 24th. He came in late to work on Wednesday because they were out until 2 a.m. drinking. I kind of miss those wild college days.  
  • We're getting married in 8 days. 
I'm going to try and update a few more times before the wedding, but with all that we have left to do and traveling, I'm sure it'll be light. I'll make sure to to a last post before the ring, though! 

Have a great weekend! 

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Too Soon...A Conclusion

So a few days ago, I posted about a young man who went to high school, Sterling Wyatt, who died in Afghanistan on July 11 from an IED. I also posted about how the Westboro Baptist Church was planning on protesting his funeral. One of his friends heard about the WBC protesting his funeral, and asked people to wear red and make a human wall so that his friends and family wouldn't be affected by the WBC's hateful messages.

Today was Sterling's funeral. Thousands of people lined the streets for hours in downtown Columbia wearing red to hide the WBC and most importantly, show support for his family.

The crowd splitting to allow his mother and brother to pass onto the funeral home. 

There were so many people showing their support that the WBC was hardly noticed. According to the Columbia Dailey Tribune, "The protesters, mostly members of the Phelps family, arrived shortly after noon and were gone by 12:45 p.m. Several attendees near the church asked whether the group had shown up at all." 

The love and support that poured onto the streets of downtown Columbia amazes me. I love Columbia; it's my hometown and I am proud to call it my as such. My love has grown exponentially after seeing what happened to honor Sterling. There were so many different "types" of people, all there to show support and gratitude for Sterling and his family. As Matt, a past professor of mine wrote on his blog, "There were Christians and agnostics and atheists there. There were Republicans and Democrats and Libertarians there. There were blacks and whites and asians there. There were artists and teachers and politicians there. There were babies and teenagers and old people there. There were gay and straight and questioning people there. There were rich and poor and homeless people there. There were veterans and conscientious objectors and peaceniks there."

I think Matt explained the "reason" thousands of people in red descended on Columbia's downtown best, "There was a moment when Sterling’s mother was making her way toward the church, and the crowd parted for her. As she moved through a wave of clapping began to take shape. Wave after wave built into an ovation that lasted for minutes on end. It was a whole community of support – not making it any easier, not pretending it was all ok – but recognizing her sacrifice. We’ve been in these damn wars for so long now and most of us don’t have to count the cost so we needed to see her face. We needed to be near her and respect her. She’s paying. Her son paid. They paid in real blood and real tears and real years gone. If the only thing Columbia could give this woman was an ovation of encouragement, if all we could do was let her memory of this day be filtered through our good wishes and red shirts, if our best job was to keep her from seeing the blasphemy that the Westboro picketers brought… then we did well. We couldn’t make it better, but we kept them from making it worse." 

I am proud of Columbia. I'm proud of the people that rallied together to show their respect and honor Sterling and his family. I'm proud that Sterling's funeral was peaceful. There were no problems between the WBC and the community. I wish that I was able to be there, but I showed my respects for Sterling in other ways. Things like this make a town great. 

Here is a video about Sterling's funeral and the people who came out to support him. 

It looks like even the local construction crew showed their support 

All above photos taken from this Facebook group unless otherwise noted. 

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Thursday Randoms

  • This is going to sound strange, but I think you can tell what part of their life someone's in by what they pin on Pintrest. Examples: One of my friends is going to grad school so she pins organizational ideas, study tips and apartment decorating. Another one of my friends has a young child so her board are full of child tips, toddler crafts and how to make your own baby food. Lastly, another one of my friends has been in a serious relationship for a while and obviously hopes to get engaged soon by the fact she's pinning wedding ideas non-stop. However, no matter what part of life they're in, everyone seems to pin workout ideas and motivational sayings. I feel like that says something. 
  • The one thing I miss most about home (besides my friends/family and the awesome restaurants) is the sense of community. I loved running into someone I knew at the grocery store/Starbucks/on campus. I don't have that yet here. If I run into anyone, it's mostly patrons from the art gallery who honestly, I try and avoid like the plague. 
  • Apart from the whole getting married and seeing friends/family thing, the part of the wedding I'm looking forward to the most is the honeymoon. I need a vacation. Bad. 5 days held up in a cabin with my new husband in the mountains with no technology? Yes please. (Get your mind out of the gutter.) 
  • Having a summer camp at your place of work is really good birth control. It also reassures you why you didn't become a teacher in the first place. 
  • As much as I want a kid, it still weirds me out to know that some of my friends have kids. Not that they're bad parents, on the contrary, they're amazing parents. Its just strange to think that at 21, 22, 23 years old, some of my friends have kids. 
  • I'm turning 23 on Monday. For some strange reason, 23 seems so old, but Keegan turing 25 doesn't. I think I just have a thing about numbers. 
  • I'm honestly a little jealous of my friends who are going to grad school. Believe me, I don't want to deal with the tests, papers and writing a thesis. I'm just jealous that they don't have to "grow up" yet and get "real" job and pay for a mortgage, car and bills. I know I'm insanely lucky to have a house and car and bills at the age of 22, but sometimes, for a little while, I miss the carefree lifestyle of a college student. 
  • There are days, like today, that I just really miss Keegan. No matter how long I saw him yesterday or how long I'll see him tonight, I just miss him. I can't wait to snuggle up with him.  

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

So What! Wednesday

I'm linking up with Shannon at Live After I "Dew" again for another So What! Wednesday.

So What...

...if I bought 5 pints of raspberries yesterday and then promptly proceeded to devour an entire pint as soon as I got home. They were $1 each and much healthier for me than the cookies I was eying.

...if I've decided we're cleaning out our pantry and fridge before leaving for Missouri for the wedding and honeymoon. Guess that just means we're eating a lot of pasta for the next two weeks.

....if no matter how much my ovaries and uterus beg for a baby as soon as we're married, we've decided that it's better to wait a while. Keegan still owes me a trip to Ireland and I'm not doing that while pregnant or with a baby in tow.

 ...if Keegan may have considered the thought of getting a dog or cat just to slow down my baby cravings.

...if I won't get my passport back in time to go visit family in Canada. While I'm sad we won't get to see them until probably next summer, I'm glad that we're going to be able to have a relaxing week in a cabin in the Smokey Mountains.

...if I'm ridiculously excited for next weekend. Keegan, myself, and three of his interns are going to Beale Street in Memphis. I've never been and two of the interns just turned 21 so we're going to have an awesome time. Just think of it as my last fling before the ring....with three boys and my fiancé.

Scratch that. I wast just told that none of the interns can go anymore. Now I need a trip to Beale Street and Ireland before we can get to the baby makin'

What are you saying So What! to this week?

On a more serious note, on Monday, I posted about two young men from my hometown who lost their lives serving overseas. It has come to the attention of one of the men's families that the Westboro Baptist Church will be protesting his funeral on Saturday. I have written an update about what is happening here. I typically don't like talking about religious or political things, but this has hit too close to home for me to stay quiet.

Too Soon...An Update

On Monday, I wrote about how two young men tragically passed away while on duty overseas. It has come to the attention of Sterling's friends and family that the Westboro Baptist Church will be protesting his funeral. This flier has been circulating around and his friends and family have decided to make a human wall around the funeral home so that the WBC cannot protest. They will be wearing red to show their support for fallen soldiers and the local Boy Scout Troop will be lining the streets in respect. This is a time where I really wish that I could be home to show support for this fallen soldier and his family.

I hate the Westboro Baptist Church. It's not about religious differences, it's the fact that they have no respect for the pain and suffering that the families are going through. I just can't believe that a group of people can be so cruel and uncaring to a family that just lost a child.

I know that by posting this, it's just giving the WBC more publicity, something I'm sure they want, but I had to say something. I have heard of this happening in other states, but it's so different when it hits close to home.

I don't really know what else to say on the subject. I just hope that Sterling's funeral can happen peacefully and that the WBC will be deterred from coming. I hope that the friends, family, and even strangers that come out to show their support will give Sterling's family an idea of how much he was loved and how many lives he has touched.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

411 Link Up With From Mrs. to Mama

I'm linking up with Becky at From Mrs. to Mama for the 411 about me. Copy the questions and tell everyone else the 411 on you! 

1. How long have you been blogging? And what got you started on blogging? Has your blog changed?

I've been blogging since July 2011. We had just moved from Missouri to Mississippi for Keegan's (my fiance's) job and I was lonely. I figured blogging would be a great way to try and connect with my family back home and get some of my feelings out about my new life. I've also added my wedding blog that keeps track of the trials, tribulations and excitement of wedding planning.

2. Did you go to college? If so where, and what did you study?

I am a proud Tiger from the University of Missouri - Columbia and I graduated in May, 2011. I studied Fine Arts with an emphasis in Fiber Arts. I also have two minors in Textile & Apparel Management and Art History. I decided to go to Mizzou mainly due to the fact that my dad is a professor there so I got 1/2 off tuition. Also, I just wasn't *quite* ready to leave my hometown when it came to going to college.

Keegan went to the University of Missouri - Rolla (about 1.5 hours away from Mizzou) and he majored in metallurgical engineering. We never actually lived in the same city until we moved in together when we moved to Mississippi!

3. Where have you traveled?
Honestly, not too many places. When I swam competitively, (did I mention I was a competitive swimmer for 11 years?) we would go to swim meets in Kansas, Missouri, and Illinois on the weekends but not really do too much.

I was born in Canada, but moved to the States when I was about a year old, so for years we would drive back to Canada to see my extended family in the summer and winter.

Keegan and I went to to Gatlinburg, TN and the Smokey Mountains the summer of 2010 for a week with was awesome.

Living in Mississippi, we go to Tuscaloosa, Alabama quite often because it has one of the closest malls.

I've never been out of the country except for family visits in Canada, but going to Ireland, Scotland, England, and France are on my bucket list.

4. If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing you would buy?
Honestly, I would pay off our debts. I have a lot of student loans left over that I hate burdening Keegan, and our new family with. I'd also love to either pay off or make a big dent in the payments for our new house and my car. After being all responsible and stuff, I'd probably buy some clothes, shoes, stuff for the house and a new phone. I need a new phone, bad.

5. What are your 3 biggest pet peeves?
- Horrible customer service. Seriously, I was in retail for 3 years, no matter how crappy your day is going, there's no excuse to be rude to your customers.

- Bad drivers. No one, I mean no one, in the south seems to use their turn signal. Bugs the crap out of me.

- Putting extra letters in words they don't belong. It's Missouri, not Missour-ah. It's wash/Washington, not waRsh or WaRshington. It just irritates me beyond belief.

6. What is your favorite movie?
I'm going to be a total geek here and say Hackers. I first watched it when I was in junior high and I thought that Angelina Jolie was hot a total bad ass. Even though it's full of cheesy '90s graphics, I still love it.

7. What is your drink of choice; wine, beer, or liquor. Or Water, Soda, Tea?
I've been trying to drink more water even though I don't really like it. I love Pepsi (although I can only get Coke down here,) and Naked Smoothies. I'd live off of Naked Smoothies if they weren't so expensive.

8. What is something you enjoy to do when you have me time?
I love to read. Since getting our Kindle, I've been reading more than I have in the last 4 years or so. It's nice to be able to read what I want to instead of text books for school. Computer games are a big part of my life (don't judge,) and I love to read/write blogs.

9. If you could have a $10,000 shopping spree to one store, which store would it be?
That's a hard question. I'm not a big shopper (I haven't bought new jeans since we moved down here in May 2011,) but I'd probably say Target. They have cute clothes for cheap.

10. Share with us an embarrassing moment of your past? Or present.
I have more embarrassing moments that I care to remember, but honestly, right now I can't recall a single one. Let me get back to you.

11. What day would you love to relive again?
This will sound cheesy, but the night Keegan proposed. We had spent all day looking for our future house, playing with puppies at his co-worker's apartment, and then had a fancy romantic dinner just the two of us (with dessert!) When he proposed, I was such a happy blubbering mess that I don't remember anything he said. I wish that I could go back in time with a photographer and videographer so that I could capture that moment forever.

12. If your life was turned into a movie... what actor would play you?
No idea. Honestly I can't think of anyone.

13. What are the jobs you had in high school/college/the early years?
Lifeguard: age 15 to 21ish. This was my first "real" job and it taught me a lot. I'm definitely not afraid of yelling at random kids who are doing stupid things now.

Swim instructor: age 16-21ish. I was also a swim lesson instructor at the pool I was lifeguarding at. I loved this job. I taught ages 6 months to 6 years and it was the most rewarding thing to take a child who was afraid of the water and turn them into a fish that would swim on their own. Also, it meant I had less kids I needed to worry about saving.

Hot Topic: age 18-21. I had a love/hate relationship with this job. I loved it because it was super flexible, I was working with all of my friends, and honestly, it was easy. I hated it because it was retail. I had to deal with rude, stupid, complaining customers who thought they knew more about my job than I did. Also, I wasn't a fan of the bratty 15 year old who threw a shirt at my head when they didn't get their way (true story.)

Art Gallery: That's where I am now. Another love/hate relationship. I'm glad that I was able to find a job that used my degree. However, I'm really only doing receptionist work at the moment. Also, it's another customer service job which I'm starting to think that I'm not cut out to do. I really hate stupid ignorant people.

14. Show us a picture from high school or college.

I'm going way back and showing baby pictures. I was maybe 2 or 3 here and totally had an afro. 

I think this is junior high. I'm the skinny one in the white tank top. Obviously this is when I was swimming for 5 hours a day and burning more calories than I could force myself to eat. 

College graduation. Kisses from Keegan and my sister. 

Engagement picture. 

15. If you could travel anywhere in the world, all expenses paid, where would you go?
Ireland. It's somewhere I've wanted to go since I was little. My family has roots there and I love the culture. Also, I'd love to go to Scotland. There's a family house there that I'd love to see if I could turn it into a vacation getaway. Most people have beach houses, I'd have a Scotland house!

16. Show us the most current picture of you or you and your family.

Keegan and I on the engineer puck at Mizzou. 

At my college graduation. Almost the whole family. My littlest sister decided to skip out on my graduation. This is also one of the nicest family photos I can remember.

This is more like it. 
There'll be more family photos at my wedding I'm sure (17 days!)

17. Where do you see your life 5 years from now?
Married. Hopefully with a child, or at least one on the way. A puppy, or two. I would say I would like to continue living in Mississippi only because I don't like the idea of moving again, but I would be much happier back in Missouri, closer to family. I'd also be ok with living in South Carolina on the coast. Just nowhere cold, winter and I are mortal enemies. If we do have a child, I've love to be a stay at home mom. If not, I hope to be working at a job that I enjoy. Overall, I just want to be happy with Keegan and whatever family we have at the time.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Too Soon...

It is with a heavy heart that I write this post. I learned over the weekend that two young men, one from my high school and one from my rival high school were killed in combat overseas.

Even though I didn't know them personally, it still breaks my heart to hear that they have passed away. They were young, one graduated high school in 2010, the other in 2009.

I know that this is a dangerous profession. They signed up for the military knowing the risks. Still, that doesn't help heal the hearts of their families and friends.

I feel for their family and friends. I was a military girlfriend for about 6 months before I met Keegan. My boyfriend at the time, T, and I decided to start dating even though I knew he would be away for the majority of our relationship. We went through his basic training together and eventually a deployment in Kuait. I have so much respect and compassion for other military spouses. I remember getting a letter, text, or phone call from him would be the highlight of my week. One time, I missed a call from him when I was at work, and started sobbing in front of my (brand new) manager. Thankfully, my manager let me go to the back room and talk to T for about 5 minutes. I remember feeling so guilty that I had missed his phone call, scared that something was wrong, and sad that I wasn't able to talk to him. Even though personal differences, (not the military,) drew us apart, T and I are still close. I was elated to hear that he was back from deployment and would eventually be discharging from the military all together over the next year or so.

It is my honest worry that one day I will have grown sons or daughters who want to enlist. It is a noble and amazing thing that people do when they enlist, I just can't imagine being a mother to someone who is enlisted. The constant worry, lack of communication and emotional stress is something I don't know if I could handle. Of course, if I do have a child who enlists, I would support them in any way possible. I just know it would be unbelievably difficult.

In a strange way, I guess this post is a huge thank you to everyone who is in the military, a veteran, or a military spouse/child. I don't know if there is ever any way to say enough "thank yous" for what you have done for this country. Because of you, people, including a non-citizen like myself, are able to live in this country, free.

I hope that the families of the two young men who passed away this weekend find comfort in the fact that their sons touched so many lives. Just looking over the Facebook pages of these men show how much love and support they had in their lives. Strangers who seem to have no real connection are commenting on how proud they are of these men, how in some way they have touched their lives.

I can't imagine being in their mothers' places right now. Knowing that your son has passed away, having to wait to receive his body, then having your own memorial and burial. I'm sure it seems like a nightmare that will never end. I just hope that they realize that their sons were amazing men and touched many lives. They made the ultimate sacrifice at such a young age, something that many men much older than them are not willing to do. The rumor of protesters at their funerals must be the a huge slap in the face.

This post isn't mean to be for or against the military, our government, or religion of any sort. I just wanted to document the fact that two young men made an unbelievable sacrifice doing something they believed in. I hope that their families and friends will somehow find peace with this situation.

Again, to anyone who is currently in the military, a veteran, or military spouse/child, thank you.

Thursday, July 12, 2012


Meet Mica, my new 2013 Mazda CX5

Since I just sent off my first payment and have mentioned her a few times in other posts, I figured some introductions were in order. We got her on June 16 and she's been a dream so far.

I was driving a 2001 Pontiac Sunfire that we bought off a guy for $3000

We decided we didn't want to put another set of tires on the Sunfire so we started looking around for a new car. Both Keegan and I are the type of people that run a car into the ground, so we wanted a car that we could eventually use for future kiddos down the road. I've driven small cars my entire (short) driving career, so I knew I wouldn't feel comfortable in a huge SUV. The CX5 is the perfect mix of car and SUV. It's low to the ground like a car, but has the extra room of an SUV. I'm not partial to any company, I've had a 2001 Ford Focus and my Pontiac Sunfire, but Keegan loves his '09 Mazda 3 so we decided to look at Mazda for our new car (the repeat buyer discount may have played a part in this.)

We test drove the new 3, the 6 (a bigger version of the 3,) the CX7 and the CX5. We felt like the 3 and 6 weren't quite big enough but the CX7 was too big. The CX5 was juuuust right (I felt like Goldilocks.)

I was a bit wary about the push-to-start, but so far it's only given me trouble once. It has the same gas mileage as Keegan's 3 (I get about 32 miles/gallon driving in town,) and it was super comfy to drive all the way to Missouri. The extra room is going to be great for hauling wedding stuff to and from Missouri in August.

We spent about 9 hours at the dealership test driving cars, haggling and doing paperwork. The dealership that we bought Mica from only had a white version (we wanted any color other than white,) so we had to wait until the Monday after for them to drive up a blue version from Jackson. Our salesman didn't know the trim package of the car they drove up to Jackson so we got a navigation system and sunroof for "free." It also has a really nice feature that allows any phone with bluetooth to be wirelessly transferred to the car so we can talk hands free (the tech guy that showed us all of Mica's gadgets was extremely surprised that my phone is old enough not to have bluetooth. Just another reason for me to get a phone for my birthday eh?)

We got a warranty that makes us come in every 3000 miles and unfortunately, we're already almost due. The drive to and from Missouri is about 1100 miles, plus driving to and from work every day for the last month. We're going to have to take her in right before the wedding and then probably right after the honeymoon. This just means that I we get to go to the mall and Starbucks more often!

She took some getting used to, but I think I'm in love. Hopefully she'll be able to last us for the next 20 years and few kids to come.

Disclaimer stuff: I was not paid by Mazda or any company for my thoughts. They are all my own. I just wanted to share my excitement for my new baby. 

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

So What! Wendesday

Today, for the first time ever, I'm linking up with Shannan at Life After I "Dew" for So What! Wednesday.

I'm saying So What! if....

...I'm more excited to wear my rehearsal dress than my wedding dress. My wedding dress is hot (as in it makes me sweat, not look sexy) but my rehearsal dress is cute, cool and comfortable.

...I'm so over this whole wedding planning thing. I've been planning for 10 months now and I'm just ready to party it up with all of our friends and family. Oh, and finally become a Mrs!

...I'm thinking of creating a new blog after the wedding. I've only had this one for about a year now, but I think I'm done "Movin' On" and am ready to settle down.

...I live for the rainy days during the summer. The South is hot and the only relief from mid-March until October is those rainy days.

...I planned (and bought groceries for) 5 dinners this week but we haven't eaten any of them. They all include grilled chicken, but it's been raining for the last two nights. It's no fun to grill in the rain and cooking chicken on the George Forman grill just isn't the same.

...I registry stalk. I know I shouldn't, but I want to know if we need to look out for a package. Our mail man/woman sucks so I want to ensure that all of our presents are getting to us. Oh, and I'm just nosy.

...I've lost my taste for coffee. When I was in college, there was a Starbucks across the street from the building I spent most of my time in, so coffee and I became BFFs. Now, the nearest Starbucks is at least 1.5 hours away so we don't get to see each other but once every two months, or so. Coffee and I met up again in KC in June for Keegan's cousin's wedding and sadly, I think our relationship is over. It's just too bitter even though I like more sugar/milk than coffee, according to my dad.

...I've had a few major minor freak outs these last few days. I have a wedding coming up in 23 days a few weeks, so what do you expect? I'm not proud of them, I'm just lucky to have a soon-to-be-husband that indulges me in ice cream.

What are you saying So What! to today?

Friday, July 6, 2012

Birthday List

Apparently, it's difficult for friends and family to come up with presents for my birthday and Christmas. Since my birthday is in 17 days, I figured I would make a list of things I would appreciate receiving this year.

*Note, I don't need any of these things. Friends and family have been beyond amazing recently with all of the wedding gifts we've received, so I feel bad about asking for anything for my birthday.*

This is more of a "need" than anything else. My current phone, which I've had for 4 years, has stopped sending and receiving texts. Honestly, I use my texting more than anything on my phone, so I would really like a new one. Also, I would like to upgrade into the world of smart phones. When we bought my new car (which I still have yet to do a post on,) the sales guy was astounded that I didn't have a phone with bluetooth. Now, I just have to beat my sisters convince my sisters not to steal my upgrade! I detest Apple products (besides my Ipod,) so I would love to go with an Android, but if I have to, I could deal with an Iphone. 

Kindle gift card. Since getting the kindle, I've been devouring books right and left and there are only so many free-bees that I want. I'd love to hop on the bandwagon and read The Hunger Games or 50 Shades of Grey, so a kindle gift card would be perfect. They can be purchased online or in stores like Walgreens and Walmart.

Rebok EasyTone shoes. I got a pair of these for Christmas in 2010 and I love them. I wear them pretty much everyday which means that unfortunately the "balls" have gotten holes in them and deflated. Now, every time I take a step, they squeek and squish, especially if it's wet outside. A size 7 or 7.5 in woman's should work. They can be found here.

"Tu Amor" wall decal. I've been lusting over this for about a year now. I think it would look perfect over our bed and would give our bedroom that classy spunk that I love. It's from Etsy seller BeepArt. At $57, it's a little spendy, but I love it all the same. If this were to show up at my doorstep, I would want lettering option #4, as an outline, and in black. Thanks! 

A Visa or specifically, Target gift card. I've been living in the same 2 pairs of jeans since we moved down here (over a year ago,) so I feel like it's time to get some new threads. Target is really the only reasonably priced option within a three hours drive of us, so unless I want to try my luck at online shopping, Target it is. 

And.....that's basically it. Since moving into our new house, all the things that I want/need are for the house which should be taken care with wedding presents. I know I'm an adult when I can think of things I'd rather spend my money on other than myself! 

So yep, T-17 days until my golden birthday. Honestly, with all of the wedding chaos happening, I forgot I even had a birthday this year! 

Thursday, July 5, 2012


3 things you wish for:

1. For Keegan and I to always have the lovey-dovey, teenagers-in-love type of love that we have right now for the rest of our lives.
2. To someday live closer to my family.
3. Children

3 things you would do to/for yourself if there was no one to judge you (or if you had the guts!):

1. Get a visible tattoo
2. Dye my hair red. Not fire engine red, but a dark auburn.
3. Quit my job and do whatever came my way. Start my own business? Have children? Lounge around the house all day?

3 bad habits you have:

1. Not working out
2. Putting the dirty dishes in the sink or on the counter instead of putting them in the dishwasher.
3. Procrastination.

3 insecurities you feel:

1. My weight (see #1 above.)
2. I won't be able to make real friends in our new city. I've never been able to make true friends well. Acquaintances, sure. But a true blue friend? Never.
3. That I won't be able to be a good enough wife/mother for Keegan and our future kiddos.

3 talents/skills you wish you had:

1. Cooking. I need to make something other than pasta and cookies before Keegan revolts.
2. A good sense of direction.
3. I wish I had more handy-man skills. I can hammer a nail into a wall, but that's about it. Power tools kind of scare me.

3 things you would do if you had more time:

1. Read
2. Craft/Art
3. If I had unlimited money, go back to school for any of the number of things I'm interested in.

3 things that bring you peace/relaxation:

1. Snuggling with Keegan. There's nothing like finding that spot right in the crook of his arm, snuggling up and forgetting the world.
2. Reading. Getting lost in another world / someone else's life is the best way to forget my problems.
3. Video games. Don't laugh. It's kind of like reading. I can get lost in another world and forget about real life for a bit.

3 things that spark your creativity:

1. Seeing other people's art.
2. Talking to other creative / like-minded people
3. New experiences.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Summer Days

There is nothing better than...

A hot summer day to do nothing in

Watching an entire season of Burn Notice snuggled up to my love

Ordering a pizza because we're too lazy to cook

Watching more Burn Notice

Going for a drive in his baby (a.k.a. his '71 Vette) through the warm summer night

Snuggling up in bed to watch more Burn Notice

Falling asleep perfectly content 

I love summer days when Keegan doesn't have to work. It almost feels like we're dating again which is a nice change of scenery from the normal rush of a work day.