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Friday, March 30, 2012

The Night I Got Paid In Produce

So I work at an art gallery. I very poor non-profit art gallery. So poor in fact that I don't get paid for the 40+ hours of work I do, except for when I stay late on Tuesday and Wednesday nights and come in Sunday mornings which totals about 10 hours a week.

Anyways we had a gallery opening last night. The artist was Hillary Parker who does watercolor botanical work. One of her pieces is the Edible Spectrum, so naturally she bought a lot of produce to recreate this artwork as a centerpiece on the food table. When the opening was done, the produce was left. Since no one else wanted it, my boss let me have it. Essentially, she paid me in produce.

Not pictured are the two bananas that I already froze for smoothies and a nectarine and a plum I ate for breakfast. It's also hard to see the orange and red pepper in the back. The two tiny orange things are cumquats which I tried for the first time last night. They're super sour, but surprisingly good. I also might take a few fingerling potatoes tonight that were left over.

Woohoo now I don't have to buy produce for the next week!

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