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Thursday, November 24, 2011


This was my first Thanksgiving that I haven't been around my family. For as long as I can remember, we've always gone to a long time friend's house (I was in the same play group as their oldest daughter,) and spent the day stuffing ourselves silly with good food and catching up over the last year. This year, two of our friends, Ben and Ryan, came down from Illinois and Missouri respectively, and we went over to Ben's family's house in another small town in Mississippi for lunch. While I appreciate Ben's family having us over and cooking, it just wasn't the same. I honestly missed my family a lot today and was pretty teary/moody for most of the day.

Also, let's just say I'm not a fan of going out and shooting guns in the woods after the Thanksgiving meal. Just not really my thing.

I do want to say that I am thankful for many things.

  • First of all, I am thankful for my family. We've gotten so much closer over the last few years, and it took a lot for them, especially my parents, to be ok with letting me move down here with Keegan. It really means a lot to me that they thought I was strong enough to start my own life, and have supported me when I've needed it. 
  • I'm also extremely thankful for my now finance, Keegan (I love saying that hehehe.) He is honestly the best person I know and he has supported me in so many ways in our move down here. Without him, I would probably be in a balling heap living on the streets. He constantly tells me that he loves me and how much I mean to him. We have the type of relationship that I've always wanted, and I'm so lucky that he's decided he's wanted to spend the rest of his life with me. 
  • Next, I am thankful for friends, both old and new. I am so glad that I have kept in touch with friends through the move down here; in their own ways, they have shown me who my real friends are. The friends that I have made here have made my move so much easier, and I really owe it to them for making sure I don't go crazy and for making the transition easier. 
  • Lastly, I am thankful for me. I know this sound conceded, but I am really thankful that I have allowed myself to grow and become so much more confident in the last few years. If I had stayed as shy as I once was, I would never have found my passion for art which means I would probably never have graduated high school early, gone to Mizzou when I did, found that certain group of friends which eventually lead me to Keegan who moved me to Mississippi where I am now. I wouldn't be the person I am today, and honestly, I'm pretty ok with me. I love my friends and my family, and I'm so excited about life. Things seem tough at times, but I wouldn't have it any other way. 

Happy Thanksgiving everyone, I hope yours was amazing and that we remember to be thankful for everything we have not just today, but everyday.

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